Title: Unraveling Chaos: The Evolution of British Gymnastics Federation

okay I’m going back to a post
where I asked for things that you wanna hear about the gymnastics world
now that I’m finally back in the Creative Rewards program
um so if you have more things you wanna hear about
hop on over there I wanted to talk about this one
because there actually is a little bit of something happening with this
like today or yesterday that I saw on bird place
so Lauren Hopkins of the Gymternet
who’s um
a famous gymnastics reporter
if you’re online at all um
was posting a thread about how Great Britain
has never had an individual women’s gymnast
place higher than 10th in the all around
and she was basically saying that it’s very surprising um
because they have the talent
and so it seems like they just had a lot of bad luck
well Becky Downie
who is a very talented
very well known British gymnast who was at the Olympics in Paris just this month
um shared that post
alluding to chaos within the British Gymnastics Federation
being responsible for all of this
saying that it wasn’t bad luck
it was um
athlete’s programs getting changed around weeks before championships
now somebody asked on that tweet for clarification which meant by programs
and I haven’t seen a response to that
and since I am so obviously not from the UK um
I’m also unclear on what that means
I believe that it means that gymnast routines were getting changed
with not enough notice before major competitions
the consensus was that the British domestic federation at the elite level
has kind of been a mess over the past couple of decades
um Becky did end her post though with saying big changes have been actioned um
which sounds very hopeful
so hopefully the culture there is changing um
but I’m very interested to kind of keep following this
and see if anything else comes out
both about what had been happening
and what changes that athletes are seeing now that make them think um
the future is on an upswing