Title: Caught in the Flirtatious Crossfire: A Comedic Tale of Unwanted Attention

Guys. Oh my god. Guys!
Guys, stop it.
Stop it right now! Guys. I mean,
do you. Do you blame him?
Guys, stop flirting with me.
I mean, what do.
I mean? I can’t.
I can’t help it that everyone has a crush on me, guys.
I mean, who doesn’t?
Who doesn’t? Guys,
I’m married. I’m married.
Guys, do.
A whole human, real husband.
He’s. He’s in the kitchen right now.
I swear he’s real.
You guys see him all the time.
He has his. He has a voice. He talks.
Guys, stop flirting with me.
Now you guys. You guys have a crush on me,
and now your husbands have a crush on me.
I mean, I don’t.
I don’t know if there’s enough of me to go around.
Haha. Guys,
stop it!
Stop flirting with me.
First you guys, and now your husband.