Recipe: Delicious Homemade Brownies by Elsie

Can you make some brownies, please?
I preheat the oven to 3:50.
I put one and a/2 cups of all purpose flour in a bowl.
I add 2 cups of white sugar.
I add four eggs, 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract,
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder,
1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 cup of cocoa and 1 cup of melted butter.
Mix until well combined. Fold in 1/2 a cup of chopped walnuts.
Spread into a greased 9 by 13 baking dish.
Place in a preheated oven.
I set the timer to 35 minutes.
Hmm. Hmm.
This brownie tastes good. Thank you, Elsie. You’re welcome.