The Pink Starburst Shot Adventure: Mixology in the Garage

y’all remember that video that I did
about that guy who bought 20 pink starburst shots
and tipped us $577
everybody in the comments really wanted me to make the pink starburst
so my boyfriend and I have been out here
working in my garage for the past six and a half hours
and I figure it’s time for a shot
okay so it’s gonna be two parts vanilla vodka
then it’s gonna be one part uh watermelon pucker
the poor sprouts always go facing the left
and then you can add sour mix
I don’t have any sour mix
so lemonade is a lot like sour mix
so that’s what we’re gonna use
and I’m making mine in a martini glass
cause I don’t know what happened to my little shot glass
I think it’s dirty and I didn’t feel like washing it
sorry it’s a mess in here
it’s a long day oh
I forgot to get ice oh
my god this little ice machine off of TikTok shop makes that makes the good ice
it melts really fast though
that’s okay
it’s really coming along you guys
you’ll see
I made this one really big and put extra um
lemonade in it cause I’m just tryna sip it and not tryna like shoot it