Embracing the Joys of Self-Employment: A Day in the Life of a Digital Marketer

The joys of working for yourself just never stop ending because every day I’m thankful for something new or something that I just forgot about and randomly think about again like this morning.

Usually guys, I bring you guys along with me on cleaning and stuff, but I did all of that while Caleb was getting ready this morning because he got up a little bit earlier. Normally he sleeps in until like 6, so I’m not gonna start cleaning, but he got up with me at 5 today. So I went ahead, got everything cleaned up. I did the dishes last night, guys. I’ve been trying to stay on top of that because I promise if you do the dishes at night, it makes it a heck of a lot better in the morning. You’re not waking up to a sink full of dishes and you don’t have to look and already have one thing of to do list, you know what I mean? So that’s what I’m just trying to prepare. But I also cleaned up the living room last night after we got them hanging out in the living room, whenever we went back to the bedroom, I straightened up the living room and that’s when I did the dishes.

And guys, it is literally all thanks to starting my research on digital marketing two years ago. And that’s why I want to help you guys on starting your journey, but not taking that long. If I would have had this availability or this course available back in the day, I would have gotten it because it’s not a 500 dollar course. You have everything that you need plus more in one place. And literally, you can open up your digital store within a day if you put the working guys, it’s literally that easy. It’s a step by step process. And it’s just, it’s so cool and I am just so thankful for it. And I can only hope that I can help some of you guys.

So if you are interested in joining the digital marketing or even affiliate work, guys, there’s stuff that’s coming in volume 2 that is just based on making money from TikTok, making money from Instagram reels. Like there are different modules such as getting fit. So maybe even if you don’t wanna do digital marketing, maybe getting fit is something that you’re interested in. You can get this course and there’s a whole module in there that’s gonna teach you that there’s affirmations and there’s just different things that the community has to offer that I love and hope you guys wanna be a part of too.

But yeah, guys, it is Thursday. I like I said, Caleb got up a little bit earlier today. So he opened the greenhouse up. So the greenhouse is all open. I clean up the house. The house is all clean. So now it is 8:15 and we are ready to start our day. But we got to have the day that we wanted because I’m not rushing off to go work in an office somewhere. And guys, I just wanna show my little cute invention here. I’ve seen the other day someone saying that like the thicker bandanas were being used as tops. And I was like, oh, that’s a really good idea. And don’t knock over my coffee. And I had this thinner, it’s a really thin bandanna. You wouldn’t be able to wear it on its own as a top. But I had this dress that was, it’s all green. And I was like, oh, I would like to add like some pops of color to it. So I put the Bandana on as a little shirt over thingy and I thought it turned out really cute and I love it. So just a little idea for you if you are feeling, you know, frisky.

Anyways, guys, have an amazing Thursday. Let’s get to work. If you’re interested in starting to work for yourself and working online, making income online, just let me know, guys. I’m here to help you out how I can, whether it’s digital marketing, affiliate, where work or I don’t know anything else that I have the smart thing or maybe the module does or the course. Ask me guys.