Makeup Collection Decluttering: Eyeshadow Stick Edition

Organize and declutter my entire makeup collection with me.
If this is the first video you’re seeing in the series,
grab a snack, grab a drink,
because you got a lot to catch up on.
This is, like,
part 20 something. In the last part,
we went through a lot of my specialty eye products.
This is indeed the fourth video of that drawer.
We’re doing really good, though.
These are all, like,
the single eyeshadows I’m keeping,
so the, like,
potted jelly ones, liquid eyeshadows.
And to finally finish that drawer,
we need to go through these.
These are a bunch of eyeshadow, like, crayons.
So, you know,
the draw. We need to just dump her out.
Okay, where should we begin?
I have a few of these that are from Katrice.
These are three shades of their Aloe Vera eyeshadow stick.
Also, this is a makeup collection video.
I’m a fucking talker. And we need to do some swatches.
I honestly don’t reach for these as much,
but then again, these are literally so pretty.
And they’re giving fall makeup colors,
so I might keep.
I have a lot of these shimmer eyeshadow markers from Hard Candy.
I put the matte ones in the other drawer.
We have this shade right here.
Like, that’s so pretty.
That shade bubbly.
And we have shade of cold brew,
also super pretty. I’m like,
is it similar to the other ones, though?
I can’t tell. Then we have shade pink ink,
It’s honestly more of a rose gold vibe.
I think I’m gonna keep all these.
And then I have shade pony.
I might declutter that one,
cause it’s kind of similar to that Katrice one,
but the Catrice one feels a little more pigmented.
I have this from Sheglam. I honestly don’t remember.
Oh, this is one of those,
like, two tone things.
It’s in the shade rose. That’s actually so pretty.
I think I might keep. Oh,
this is gonna be bad. I’m not gonna get rid of, like, anything.
You need to watch the other parts, besties.
I did way better, I promise.
We have this Nyx Jumbo Eye crayon, and, like,
that’s cute, but look at it compared to the rest.
We’re gonna declare. This is shade frosting, though,
and my mom really likes these,
so I’m gonna give it to her.
I have this one from your way.
If I can, um,
get her open G. Well,
we’re getting rid of that.
No, it’s so pretty.
Oh, what do we do?
I think I’m gonna keep it.
I already know the comments for say you didn’t declutter.
Damn right I didn’t. I’m sorry.
This is a Burberry one. Like,
I don’t even know if Burberry has makeup anymore.
That was a TJ Maxx makeup find.
Okay. Gorge would say,
we’ll keep the Burberry and declutter your way,
Burberry is more of a champagne.
Burberry is, like,
a gold. Then I have this Colourpop one. Y’all,
they’re so pretty. Okay,
Colourpop and the Sheglam are low key really similar,
but Sheglam is sparklier. We’re gonna declutter color pop.
That hurts my heart. And then I have all of these from Kaja Beauty.
I actually did a full video reviewing these.
These are their eyeshadow and glitter multi sticks.
One side is literally a glitter stamp.
Like, if I can put that down,
it’s just a little bit of loose glitter.
And then the other side is a matching eyeshadow crayon.
Some are matte in a shimmer,
and then others are bold shimmer.
Okay, honestly,
both of these are pretty similar.
I think I’m gonna keep this top shade and declutter that one.
Here’s what one of those matte combos look like.
So it’s a matte crayon and then the shimmer.
They’re all super pretty. Honestly,
I don’t know if I want to part ways.
I just know I’m gonna get yelled at by the besties.
These combos are also kind of similar,
the top two. And then there’s this combo down there.
Okay, final verdict.
I am decluttering this top one,
and I’m keeping the other four. Sorry.
And these are what we’re keeping.
Okay, let’s put stuff back.
First thing, liquid eyeshadows,
then individual eyeshadows,
the like, potted shadows,
eyeshadow crayons, and last but not least,
mini palettes. And this is what she’s looking like. This.
Did you see this? We have room.
This is insane. Now,
in the next part, we need to Tackle this fucking disaster.
Sunburns. This was supposed to be just face palettes.
Now we got highlighters in here.
We got fucking paints. We got, like,
literally more things that I know what to do with.
So, um,
we’re gonna start bright and early with that in the morning.
You stay till the end, let me know.
Out of any of these goodies,
what’s intriguing you the most?
And have you been enjoying the series?
I wanna know the tea. Love y’all. See you in the next part.