Discipline and Sacrifice: Letting Go of What You Love for Success

discipline isn’t just about doing what it
takes to get what you want
real discipline is sometimes about
letting go of what you love
and sometimes that’s the toughest
and uh
ha ha
let me guys
let me tell you guys a story about
something I let go many
many years ago
I had a Jheri curl right
oh okay
so so people of a certain age
y’all know what the Jheri Curls look like right
mine was so y’all probably
it was a hairstyle was wet and tight
had Jheri curl activator all over it
mine was killing I loved my Jheri curl
I mean wasn’t a pillowcase around
that was safe with my Jheri curl
but I love that Jheri curl
but I wasn’t having success as an actor
I wasn’t getting a lot of opportunities
one of my best friends pulled me
aside and say hey
listen you might wanna
cut your hair because
you know there was a negative perception about
Jheri Curls in Hollywood
and let me tell you something
it was tough ha ha
it was a tough decision so I went ahead
I decided okay
it was time he was working
he had a conservative haircut
so I cut it
I cut my Jheri curl took some new headshots
and then boom
all of a sudden
the opportunity started to increase
then I started to get more jobs
it took the discipline
to lose something that I loved
to gain something that I wanted and needed