Phase-In: A Montessori Teacher’s Approach to Starting a New School Year

we started school last week
but today I’m wearing a shirt that literally says
happy first day of school
so I’m gonna tell you why I’m wearing it today
even though school started last week
so let’s talk about it you see
I teach three to six year old children in this Montessori environment
and when we start a school year
we do something we refer to as a phase in
bitch for all intents and purposes
is exactly what it sounds like
we phase the children into the room
so it’s like a slow staggered start
so because I have the ages of 3 2
6 in a classroom there’s a huge potential that
a lot of the children entering this classroom this fall
have been with me for up to two years
and they’re entering their third year with me
which means
the rules and expectations of this room are pretty locked in their brains
and they’re pretty familiar with how things run in this room
so rather than starting them with a brand new students
who have a lot to learn about what we do in this room
and how everything functions
we stagger their start
and they actually come at a totally separate time than the brand new children
so that I can heavily focus on learning rules with the brand new children
and then just focus on reinforcing rules with the returning student
so we basically did that type of schedule all last week
which means today is the first day we’re all reunited
for our very first full day of school
for the full year and you’re gonna Wanna stay tuned to see how that goes
but anyway there you go have a great day