The Beef Medium Podcast: Exploring the World of Food with Fascinating Characters

I have an announcement to make.
I’m starting a podcast. So I know what you’re thinking.
The last thing this world needs is another late 20s white guy
rambling on for hours at a time
every single week via audio format.
I get it, but hear me out.
The world of food is a fascinating one,
and there are a lot of really interesting characters across it.
Met some really cool folks who do a lot of cool things,
things you guys might find interesting and even inspiring.
And that’s the whole point of the podcast.
The Beef Medium Podcast officially launches on September 10th, 2024.
Hosted by yours truly,
we’ll be talking to people from across the culinary world.
We’re talking about chefs,
creators, reality stars,
you name it. A whole mess of folks.
I’m so excited to announce this.
I hope you guys are, too.
And I will see you back here on September 10th for episode one.