Savory Grilled Chicken Sandwich Recipe: A Shawarma Rival

This grilled chicken sandwich
would give your favourite shawarma a run for its money.
Trust me,
this is the best chicken sandwich recipe you will find on the internet
and the best 90 seconds of your time today.
Into a bowl, you’re going to add your washed chicken
and then you’re going to season with all the herbs and spices
that will be in my caption,
some barbecue sauce and a bit of oil.
Massage all of that into your chicken properly till it is well coated
and then you go ahead and grill.
Once you are grilled, this is what it’s going to look like.
Absolutely juicy, very delicious grilled chicken.
I use soft chicken for emphasis.
You’re gonna dice up the chicken and then add that into a bowl.
Add some onion, some carrots,
some cabbage, some soft boiled eggs,
and then you’re going to drizzle some sandwich sauce.
All of this, a really nice mix till it comes together like this.
And then set aside. Now let’s build our chicken sandwich.
We’re going to be using four slices of bread
and we’re just going to spread our chicken mix onto the bread
on all three layers till our bread is completely packed up like this.
Now this chicken sandwich is absolutely delicious.
It is so, so good.
And like I said,
it will give your favourite shawarma a run for its money.
It is filling, it is nutritious,
and I cannot wait for my joy givers to Try this.
Cut this open and this is what it looks like.
You can have it like this or drizzle some more sandwich sauce on it.
Now, let me know which you’re going to go for.
Bye, guys.