Unveiling Deceptions: The Unraveling of Lies and Manipulation – Part 4

Okay, what’s this? Part 4? Part 4, part 5? I can’t remember.

So after I found out they had lied to me and he’s actually, so he’s younger than what he told me he was when I found his passport, his old passport in my house, I started going through the stuff that he left in my house also because I told my neighbor that I was gonna lend her his suitcases. So I start going through them and I find other stuff is not true. Like it seems like he wasn’t a pilot in the Air Force. It seems like he was just like a tech guy. What else wasn’t true? I think what he told me, he’s saying universe, he wasn’t true cuz he’s a the reason. So I don’t really understand the the just the timeline of all the was wrong. Obviously, like some stuff was true. Like he did have a degree in like computer science, but he had just finished it. Like he told me that he’d gone to university when he was 15. Why did I believe that he hadn’t gone to university when he’s 15? It’s just . It was just so much .

And I was finding like legal documents for his company too, cuz he actually is on the board of a couple of companies. I really understand. But I was finding documents about how he was getting audited and how he had to find proof of funds, of all this money that was going missing or had appeared as if from nowhere. And you best believe I took a photo at every single dodgy document. Cuz I’m not spilling it all here because I can’t really remember, but I do have it all on my phone and I was like, this guy’s been me to my cat. I’m gonna legal these documents.

I was fuming at the time as well because I had given him the option to come clean on the phone and he had basically laughed in my face. So he clearly didn’t respect me at all. He’d been living in my house for free at that point. Actually, he’d probably been living in my house for two months of that year. And I have been another two months that I’ve been in lockdown. So I haven’t seen him in a while. Obviously cuz of lockdown. He then he abandoned me in lockdown completely. Like just wasn’t there for me at all, didn’t help me out at all. After telling me by the way, in the early stages, he’s telling me he’s gonna look after me for us. In my life, I would never need anything like this . So I was fuming when I found this. Took photos of everything, like I said, and it was my birthday in a couple days. So I was like, what am I gonna do when I see him, I’ll see him. And if he me overall anymore, I’m gonna leak all this. But I need to get on with life and like enjoy my birthday.

I was just angry at that point. I wasn’t upset because I’d kind of all, I’d already detached from him for when he stops being in contact with me during lockdown, you know, like the mental toll of being alone, literally alone for 60 days minus the day that I snuck out. There might have been two or three days that I slack out, but I was alone every single day, apart from the one day that I snuck out with my friend. The mental toll is crazy. So they did get a point during them where I was like, I’m not gonna cry about this guy who’s disappeared and like completely basically ghosted me. Like not really ghosted cuz he did message a couple times, which is kind of weirder, but like basically discounted me, like thrown me away. I can’t be upset about that. Like my mental health is hanging on by a threat because I haven’t seen another human face in months. So like at this point, yeah, I was just annoyed and like, I thought it was kind of funny when I was calling my mom and telling her about it, I was like, yeah, you wouldn’t even believe what. And I’m like telling her the whole thing and I was fine about it. I thought it was unbelievable, but was glad that he was gonna get out of my house. I couldn’t wait for him to pick up his stuff. I can’t wait for him to never come near me on my cat again. That was it, really. So lockdown comes to an end. We’re finally able to leave. Like I remember seeing my best friend for the first time after lockdown and crying. Like I couldn’t believe that we were free. I was ready to celebrate my birthday. Celebrating my birthday. All was good. And then this guy, this , again, let’s call and tell this guy shows up again and it’s like, hi, I wanna see you. And I’m like, you are you insane? You basically ignored me for two months. I was alone. Like I needed you and you disappeared and you forgot about me completely. What do you mean? Your back? I wanna see you. No, I don’t wanna see you. I was absolutely not. Like, I was happy to know never see him ever again. I just want him to get his stuff cuz I knew that was like keeping him there. And he wanted to, he said, I’ll send someone to get my stuff. And I’m like, you can’t actually at the moment because my friends got you suitcases. So once I get them back, you can come and get it. But send someone, you don’t come. Cuz I didn’t wanna see him.

Cuz I knew that he was very manipulative. So he keeps asking to see me. And this is very reminiscent of what it was like in the beginning of when we start speaking to each other, like he just wanted to see me under any circumstance. So I’m like, no, cuz I wasn’t public and I was doing things and I was excited to be out of lockdown and like living life again. And I think I finally agreed to meet him. It must have been around the end of July or the, no, the beginning of July. So about a month after lockdown ended. I was like, fine, you can come and get your stuff. And he came and I told him, bring suitcases because I’m keeping yours. Because, oh, because he, when he left and off to Hainan, he took my suitcase, my only suitcase. He also took my Ray Band sunglasses. He took a few things of mine, which I never got back. So I was like, I’m keeping your suitcases. Thanks very much thing as you’ve taken mine. So he shows up to my house and I’m like, you better have your stuff, like stuff ready to put your belongings in because I don’t have anything for you. He shows up empty handed and he’s like, no, Amber, I’m not taking it tonight. And I’m like, what do you mean you’re not taking it tonight? And he says, I’m staying here tonight. I’m like, are you insane? No, you’re not staying here tonight. No, you’re not.

Why did you disappear and not talk to me really for two months? And now you think you’re gonna stay here? And he’s like, Amber, I was busy. I missed you. I didn’t realize until I saw you. And now I miss you. And minimum, man, the feelings came back and I was just like, get the out my house. So he had shown up under the pretense of coming to pick up stuff, and he really had just tricked me into seeing me. And he stayed for a couple of hours like he wanted to drink, blah blah blah. And I was just like, this guy, you could not tell him no. I could turn, get out of my house 50 times. And he had no shame about not leaving. He had no shame about not leaving. He would just stay and like make himself another drink. And I’m just like, oh my God. Like I’m not, I don’t shy from confrontation, but I’m not like a, I’m not a fighter anything. So I’m not gonna fight you just leave like have the decency to do what I’ve asked you to do in my own home. But no, so eventually he’s like, fine. After like three hours, he’s like, fine, I’ll leave if you really want me to leave. And I’m like, yes, leave. I want you to leave. I really want you to leave. And so he leaves and he says, I’ll come back whatever day to get my stuff. And I’m like, fine. Oh my God. Can you see? How about this? Makeups going well? I’m trying to tell this story. One’s up, one’s that way. Never mind. I’m like, fine, come and get yourself that day. So he comes that day to get his stuff. And by the way, in the meantime, like all of my friends are like, don’t meet him again. Don’t give him the time of day. Just chuck his stuff in the street. You should have done that a long time ago. They were right, by the way. Your friends are right if they tell you to do that, it’s cuz it’s for your own good. They’re right. I even fell out with friends over this cuz I at the time as well thought that it was kind of funny and I was like, yeah, this is like an interesting plot twist. Like it’s just a bit of fun. It’s just a bit of excitement. Like nothing’s gonna happen, nothing bad is gonna come with it. So when the guy is meant to come and pick up his stuff, he comes with a shitty, not two more suitcases. I go downstairs to let him in and he’s laughing as he’s walking down the street. And I’m like, those suitcases better not be, have anything in them. They better be empty and they better be, for taking that stuff out up my house, there’d better not be anything in them. And he’s just laughing and I’m trying to like feel them and feel the weight of them before I let him into my building. And he’s like, I’m gonna get off laughing. So I’m like, you can leave these downstairs. They are not coming into my house. So you lose them in the lobby.

We go up to my house and then as soon as we go up to my house, he starts taking business calls. And I’m like, what are you doing? Just get your stuff and go. And he’s taking business calls and he’s like, Amber, I can’t, I can’t. I need to do this. It’s a big deal. It’s a big deal, big business, like X millions of US dollars. I need to do it now. I need to do it now. Please, just let me take this call. And I’m like, has this guy actually tricked me again into staying to my house again?

I’m, lo behold, he’s on the phone till 1:00am, at which point I was like dying cuz I’m a teacher. Like I wake up at five, 30s, go to work. So I was dying. I have to go to sleep. So I’m like, you can sleep on the sofa. Don’t touch my cat. And you’re leaving tomorrow. I had to like do s. It was actually a Friday night. So the next day I had to do . I was trying to get him to leave. And the same was happening again. This guy wouldn’t leave again. I come downstairs in the morning and he’s taking his laptop out in his, working at my kitchen table. Tune in for the next part.