An Urgent Message to Kamala Harris: The Looming Student Protests and Governmental Response

This is an open letter to Kamala Harris,
um, as well as,
you know, any staffers who may come across this,
whether for the White House or for the campaign itself.
And if you see it, please pass it along to your boss.
Thank you. School is starting back up,
which means protests are going to pick back up.
Very rightfully so, given all that has occurred the entire summer,
which unfortunately, has been a lot.
Most recent of which being the declaration of a polio epidemic,
which Gaza has not seen polio in over 25 years.
There is a 10 month old that has been paralyzed.
A ten month old. I personally foresee these protests being in like
a similar intensity as the ones we saw last spring,
if not even greater intensity,
because students are exhausted,
not only from, like, day in,
day out, seeing and reading about the carnage that people are facing
on a daily basis. The video after video after video of bombing,
of beheaded baby, of this,
or the other incredibly violent image that will never leave our brains
but also the institutional repression and violence that has followed
folks protesting this daily carnage,
such as folks being expelled,
teachers losing their positions entirely
because they said something about the genocide
or about apartheid in general.
Students being suspended
and thereby losing access to dining halls and their housing,
being evicted from their housing.
We’ve seen snipers on the roofs of schools.
We’ve seen
NYPD barricading people into dorms and buildings at threat of arrest.
We’ve seen unbelievable amounts of police brutality that has been on,
like, documented.
Very, very well documented.
Students are traumatized by our viewing
and our complicity in this ongoing
live streamed genocide
and by the violent and repressive response to any speech
that challenges or brings light to our anger.
With this complicity
at the behest or co signed by governmental offices
all the way up to the federal level,
all in the name of student safety.
And safety for whom? Right,
because, like,
student protesters have legitimately been hospitalized
from police beating the living shit out of them.
I can’t tell you bar for bar,
what happens next. The previous semester was my last.
But I can tell you one thing.
Students are not letting up anytime soon with these protests,
and they shouldn’t.
But I will say that governmental responses to these protests,
especially as they get nearer and nearer to the election,
will affect turnout definitively.
People got substantially more disillusioned with Biden
after his characterization of non violent
campus protest. And if Kamala’s comments on the matter
anything like the comments she made after the protests
against Netanyahu’s visit to Congress.
Girl, you’re cooked.
You’re cooked. So,
you know, just tread very, very carefully.