Glistening Locks and Loaded Bagel: A Flavorful Delight from O Bagel

I’m feeling proper locks and loaded on a fresh everything bagel.
Nice and golden brown. Crispy everything bagel with a soft interior.
Baby guy and cream cheese.
A nice, even distribution,
people. On all edges.
Respect Vishmi. Capers.
I like extra capers here, people.
I like it nice and salty. Nice pops of flavor.
The star of the show. Beautiful slice.
Smoked nova from Brooklyn.
Are you kidding me? It’s glistening.
It’s glistening, people.
Jersey tomatoes, so ripe.
These look. Are you kidding me?
Perfect. Some red onions to make your breath smell delicious.
Cucumbers right on top as the final touch for some freshness.
Let’s wrap this bad boy up.
Most popular cold sandwich here at O Bagel. Scallion,
cream cheese, capers.
Locks, tomato,
onion, cucumbers.
Are you kidding me? Bang it.