Revealing High School Secrets: Surviving Mean Girls and Throne Aspirations

So you knew her? I saw through her.
Cinderella and I were classmates.
No way. Way too much time in this place.
So I had to escape. Okay,
the people here might smile,
but they’re two faced and two fake.
Wait, you went to Urdon Prep?
Nope. Wasn’t even caught that yet.
Wow, that girl was super rude.
What’s her problem? What’s her deal?
Some people act mean at first cause they’re too afraid to feel.
It’s survival. It’s Protection.
That’s why roses grow their thorns.
Come on, whose side are you on?
The only one worse than her is her mum.
Look, hon,
back in high school, a mean prank was played.
And ever since that fateful day,
she was never quite the same.
It’s a shame. What happened?
Is it okay to ask? We came to celebrate the future, sweetie,
not dwell on the past. Ha ha.
Stand aside. The Queens arrived.
Look at them. So innocent.
Can’t believe they let us in.
Watch them pay the consequence for being so dang insolent.
Can’t you smell the coward is?
Soak it up. Devour it.
So for the week. Let me show you what real power is.
Quick, Reg,
you gotta follow along. One day you’ll be on the throne. Automatic.
Just how I planned it. What about what I want?
They’re gonna fall like parachutes.
They’re gonna crawl to me on all fours.
What did they ever do to yours? Reg, what are you arguing for