Title: Unraveling the Bizarre LIU Gymnastics Scandal: A Twisted Web of Drama, Deception, and Controversy

bizarre gymnastics drama continuing to unfold with the LIU gymnastics scandal
if you don’t know what I’m talking about
earlier this summer a group
a large group of gymnasts
came forward talking about the abuse they had suffered from the coaches at LIU
and then more recently
it turned out that those coaches have been dismissed from LIU
you can go back in this playlist and watch some other videos I’ve done on it
if you need a refresher
what’s happening now is that somebody has gotten on bird place
claiming to be the mother of Olivia Courtney um
who is the assistant coach who is dismissed from LIU
along with head coach Randy Lane
um claiming to be the mother of Olivia Courtney um
and just appearing on bird place to sh!t all over Syd Morris
who was one of the 11 gymnasts who came forward discussing abuse
it’s mostly just posting this comment
copy and pasted 1 billion times on bird place and other variations of it
as you can see here’s the thing
I would bet money that this is not the mother of Olivia Courtney
that this is either Olivia herself or some rando trying to use the
some gym nerd trying to use this situation to get attention online
as somebody who has both a boss and a mother who are 60 year old women
this is not how they type on the internet
this is not how they text
the phrasing the verbage used here is not that of the mother of a 32 year old
I’m so sorry so that’s gonna be interesting to watch
because this person is clearly intending on stirring up more drama um
and they just haven’t come up with anything more interesting
than a copy pasted comment about Syd Morris
so far they have also claimed
in a bunch of different copy pasted comments that they have receipts
they have receipts that this is all fake
they can’t share for legal reasons
so yeah keep an eye out for that
I guess another interesting development out of all this so
is that this person is claiming that Dana Duckworth is going to be the coach
replacing Randy and Olivia at LIU
Dana Duckworth is a coach who used to be at the university of Alabama
and then in 2020 was accused of fostering an incredibly racist environment
she among other things
said that a Black gymnast wasn’t really Black because she wasn’t quote
raised Black whatever that means now
I have not seen this confirmed anywhere else
literally the only place I’ve seen it is fake
Olivia’s mom on bird place claiming that it’s gonna be Dana Duckworth
that’s also gonna be a really interesting thing to watch
anyways y’all stick around
because I can feel in my bones that Fauxlivia’s mom is ramping up on bird place um
and is gonna crank out some more doozies for us to talk about
as this week progresses