Dating Realities: You Miss the Idea, Not the Person

I can guarantee you one thing, okay?
You don’t miss them. You miss the idea of them.
The person that you thought and the wanted them to be.
But guess what didn’t work out.
Because it’s not that person in real life.
It’s like a wolf and sheep’s clothing, honey.
And as you tear back each layer,
you’re starting to realize, oof,
this is not the person that I had in my head,
that I thought that I wanted to be with.
No, baby,
you will find someone that is that person.
That you don’t have to make up in your head
and try over and over and over again for them to become that person.
Because they’re not gonna become that person.
You can’t force anyone to become the version of them
that you want them to be, if that makes sense.
So go find the version of someone that you deserve.
And you deserve the very fucking best.
Don’t ever forget that. Period.