Celebrating Tequila’s Birthday: A Hilarious Sparta Sing-Along with Spartacus

Sir, what is your name?
My name is Parker. I believe you too.
I don’t know what he said.
I don’t know what he said,
but I believe whatever he.
This is Sparta.
Give me your cell phone. Friend,
give me your cell phone. IPhone 6.
IPhone 6. Send me.
Alright. So, Spartacus, listen.
It’s Tequila’s birthday. Can you sing her happy birthday?
And don’t do the one that we know.
Do your version, okay?
Whatever. Special version. Who? Who?
I’m counting on you. You pointed him out, Spartacus.
Let’s go, sir.
тебя сегодня день рождения
после песни праздник поздравления
но дороже всех подарков для тебя
любимая чтобы рядом был с тобою я у тебя сегодня день рождения
тосты песни праздник поздравления
но дороже всех подарков для тебя любимая чтобы рядом был с тобою я
let’s go Spartacus great job man hey
thank you son happy birthday Akeelah happy birthday
thank you sir appreciate it man great job man
y’all show Aquila and Sportacus some love man
that man came up here with swim trunks on and killed it didn’t he
Spartacus he could have said I’m going to kill everyone in here
everyone is going to die free Palestine everybody’s going to die
here let me let me see your phone let me
what kind of phone you got what kind
hey Spartacus you drive a BMW sir yes you drive a BMW
whole stage smell like Glendale Galleria this
he was just friends
I’ll kill everybody in here.
Glendale Galleria.
What kind of phone do you have, buddy?
Kill everybody in the building.
Give me your phone, buddy.
Android. We don’t have case for that.
man. That was amazing, bro.
That was freaking awesome.
Yeah! Show him some love.
Are you his manager or his girl?
You are great.
It’s your wife. Even better.
The same thing. It’s show manager and your agent.
She was like, see it in Persian and Farsi.
Sing it. He was like,
killed everybody in here.
And we went along with it.
We didn’t know what was happening.
Black and we doubling up on a clap.
We didn’t know how to clap for that.
It was. We was waiting for two and four,
but it never happened. So we.
You started this. You can.
We just started rocking with it.
We felt it like we was waiting on.
It was like they’re killing everybody in here.