Living in the Moment: A Day in the Life of Shooting a Music Video

two days ago me and my friend decided to shoot a music video
because why not live in the moment
who cares today is that day
I have no shoes one of my nails is wrong
let’s see how the rest of the day goes
first outfit
got this on Flatbush a couple of minutes ago
no shoes but I think she came out good
and I look like I have titties
so what else can I complain about
I’ll be here waiting for you
nation here we have our director Ben
also known as babble with Ben online
we did the let you go video
I’m 23 and we’re back for touch
today we have the one and only creative director Tuwanna period
yes I am in the store in my outfit
getting some water and a bacon and egg because it’s lunch time
thank you oh
my god second location
got a disco helmet in a video
please talk about it look at my foot
what type of stuff is going on
turn on
you remember when Beyonce was watching herself back and she was like
I look like I can’t cook yeah
I see the I feel like I’ve been cooking in a rotisserie oven
we’re going to the third location now to get wet
um everyone
this is how big my last outfit is
I love it I see
it looks nice yeah
hi everyone
I did have to dry myself with paper towels because I did not bring a towel
I’m on my way home now what an eventful day