Oreo and Whipped Cream Cupcake Delight: A Sweet Mess of Deliciousness

Let’s make a mess in the name of something delicious.
Whip your cream to make whipped cream.
Vanilla, salt,
quarter cup, sugar.
Mix it again. Taste it.
Needs more sugar. Third cup. Perfect.
Line your cupcake pan.
Oreos pastry bag. Fold it over and load it up.
Snip the tip like icing cupcakes.
Shove it in. The cookies absorb the moisture,
causing the cream to get denser.
It’s called moisture migration.
Press it down, take your remaining cream and top them off.
Offset spatula. Flatten it out.
Get your Biscoff. Very important step.
Get all the tin foil off the top.
Otherwise you’re gonna start a fire in your microwave.
Drizzle consistency. Then a layer.
Give it a little spready spread.
Last step,
little bit of salt. Wee.
Put them in the fridge for 24 hours.
See you tomorrow. 24 hours later,
and I’m making dinner. But let’s look at these.
Moment of truth. There it is.
The cookie is softer, the whipped cream is firmer,
and you could take a bite.
Fine, I’ll take a bite. Hmm.
I mean, it’s so good. Love you.