Summer Lessons for Dental School: Maintaining Routine and Work Ethic

If you’re a dentistry of a holder and you’re waiting for results day, just stop and listen to me talk. Just let me, yeah, this might be long. So grab a drink.

Cuz I, right here are the few things that I wish I knew before coming to dental school in September. I wish I had this advice when I was in my a level summer. So the No. 1 thing, I guess, is to don’t lose a routine. Don’t lose your routine. Because basically, when you’re doing a level, you sort of build a routine, right? You’re sort of good getting better and better at like waking up, studying and everything. And you’re just, you know, you’re waking up on time. You have a set time to study, you’re taking study breaks, etc. So you have a routine, okay? And it’s basically the same every day cuz you’re trying to get those grades again to uni, right? And then once a levels finish and you have no purpose in your life, you find yourself just literally wondering anonymous random things ever.

Okay. And for me, the way I spent my summer was I kind of just bedrotted. I didn’t really go on any holidays. I’m not gonna lie if I went out a couple of times to my friends, but most of the time I just kind of stayed and watch dramas. But I started building a really bad sleep schedule. I was like, you know, I was not on it. I had no routine. He was not eating healthily, was not drinking enough water, not being active enough. I basically lost all sense of purpose during every summer because I thought my exams are if I can do whatever I want. Okay, but here’s the thing. I was so convinced this time last year that I had flopped my exam. So I wasn’t that convinced, but I was still paranoid that chemistry would be the subject to catch me out. So I kind of was just like, I’d always like chat to my mom and be like, you know, if I don’t get in stencil school, you know, what cool should I do instead?

I basically was not convinced that I was going to like have to move to Birmingham in September until results they came and then I find out okay, and then from that moment I start regretting a lot of couple of things. But then I don’t really stop regretting it until I actually enter dental school because I spent my whole and also my being like nothing. At least you’re just doing nothing. Like what can I say? I existed like the The Bare Men, my bare minimum I did was exist. Okay. And sure, okay, because I was convinced that I wasn’t gonna have to answer them. So, but I did.

Our dental school is hard. You know how in dentistry school interviews, they always ask you like, oh, dental, dentistry is a very intense course, you know, how will you, how like, what kind of like habits of you develop to help you manage the school, the stress of dental school? Yeah, yeah, I know you guys answer that question a lot, but I don’t think you guys understand to what extent dental school can be taxing, like dance school can be really tough thing. And it can really suck the life out of you. And so let’s just take to this cake good old Judy, the Judy that you have seen on TikTok getting, you know, ready for her a level, etc. And then she fed up over summer.

I literally posted bed. I literally posted nothing during summer. That’s how much bed rotting I did. Not so many K dramas I watched. Okay. And I wrap up to them to school having no expectations and also no routine in my life. I have no sleep schedule. No, I haven’t really prepared anything. I haven’t really planned much. I lost my s, my sense to plan as well. I 100 routine. So considering that the first semester of dental school at Birmingham is really intense, I set myself up to failure. So I don’t think it quite hit me until semester 1 ended that I had actually entered dental school. And it was as hard, you know, as I expected it to be. But I don’t think it hits you how hot it is until you experience it. Possible. And so I found myself with a really unorganized schedule, not really knowing how to approach things at dental school, not really knowing how to like plan, etc.

Not being used to being back in school. Cuz even then during a level was like I was up boarding school. So try commuting wasn’t like an issue. But like you’re on study leave, which means you have all the time you want to revise. So it has been like, think about it, it’s been several months since you’ve been into like a school timetable routine. And so adjusting to that was really hard. And then also that means my balancing my work life balance was bad. My, my just everything about them to school, I didn’t do it properly or because I had lost all my sense of routine in summer. That therefore led to me basically having no work ethic in dental school. Yeah, me, good old Judy. No work ethic. Can you believe it? So Sebastian was hard, guys. I know from my TikToks, it may not seem like it was like that hard, but Lord was it hard. And so you can tell I Learned my lesson and I get got my game back up for semester 2. But work ethic isn’t something that I just builds up within a day. It’s something that you kind of need to build up Uber slowly and slowly. And so if you think about it a levels, you’re kind of preparing for these exams for like two years. And like, you know, because of that, I kind of built like a routine, you know, stress of routine. And I also built up like a work ethic. I had discipline. I had everything that I guys like I had everything that I rented to you all about that you needed during 6 form. And if I can, I kind of didn’t click to me, that stuff doesn’t just stay within you. You kind of have to protect that stuff and conserve that stuff because otherwise you will lose it over the length of summer. Just okay, did. So my No. 1 tip for you guys this summer is obviously to enjoy your summer.

You know, don’t be spending every day paranoid that results they thinking, am I gonna get the results? Am I gonna get the grades? What if I don’t? What if the grade boundaries are so high? Like I don’t get to dental school? Like, remember guys like universe, like last year, like the great ranges were high. So like there was readjustments, but don’t be paranoid half time. Save that stress for October. Okay? And then when it comes to August, I’ll say save that stress for the day before, okay? Because that stress is not worth it. Just enjoy your summer holiday and just have fun bedrock if you want to.

But if you must take away one thing, like please take away this from the video. Like I bet you I’m not saying this. Just suppose I’m. Did you say it? Cuz it may, it May 1st you that to school a lot harder than it should have been. Okay. Have a routine, okay, whether this be waking up at the same time, going to bed at the same time, waking up early, having an early night, making sure that your em free meals a day, making sure that you have something that is a routine every day like going on a walk every morning or go on grocery store, go on a grocery store like, I don’t know, every week or just do something and implement a routine. It doesn’t have to be a study routine. Cuz what have you got to study for? Your AA levels have just finished. Well, I’m not telling you to go study, bro. I’m telling you to have a routine. So go get your life together. Go watch those videos that you want to, but just have a routine, okay? Just have a routine. It could be the most boring routine. You could be at home every day. You could, your routine could just be like wake up, shower, eats.

This is really, this isn’t really weird order. I don’t know, like read a book or something. Just have a routine and have a schedule to a certain extent. Be flexible with it. Just summer, but have a schedule and have a, don’t lose your work ethic mind because when you come back to dental school, if you have no work ethic, you will be slapped, okay, by yourself. Okay, you will hate yourself or how you treat it yourself during summer because when you find out you did cancel school, your info, right? So keep your work ethic and also have a nice summer. So that’s just my one thing that dental offer holders and also medical medicine offer holders should take away from this TikTok.