Adventures with the New Mama Goats and Baby Kidlets

Happy Sunday.
We are kind of taking it easy today.
Not doing much around here,
hanging out outside. I’m gonna walk over,
since I can walk a little better today,
and check on the baby goats.
So we had another goat have her babies.
So now we have five babies,
and they are all moved together in the new mama pin.
it’s gonna get crowded in there with all the moms and their babies.
So I am gonna have to move peanut and Cosmo out at some point.
Hi. Oh,
I have colostrum. Poop coming. That’s a good sign.
Hi, peanuts.
is it one of the new babies over there?
And my little friend peanut.
My sweet baby. Let’s go see the new mamas and the new babies.
Okay, so this is milkshake.
She had her babies after, uh, peanut.
Look at this.
Are you eating my shirt? Haha.
I probably shouldn’t be down on my knees,
but I’m trying to be careful.
Oh, my goodness.
And this is Cosmo and peanut.
And then this is the other mama who had her babies.
Um, I honestly don’t know her name.
Calvin named her. I have to ask him what he named her.
So her babies are tiny, tiny, tiny.
She’s a little skittish. She won’t let me touch her.
Um, so here they are.
We got us almost solid white with the black eyes.
And then we have this one.
Looks more like a cow. Look at My peanut one. Snuggles. Yes,
peanut came and visited me in the bed the other day.
Hi, sweetheart.
see, I’m gonna have to get them used to humans just like you.
Yes. You want all the attention. Milkshakes.
Babies are doing really good.
Yes, I see.
It looks like she’s accepting both of her babies so far.
That’s a good sign.
I always like to check and make sure that one of them’s not gonna get,
uh. Look at this.
Booted. Or she’s only gonna accept one or the other,
you know, doesn’t want either one of them.
I was just trying to make sure all of that is good.
This little booger,
he’s like a cat now.
He wants all the attention.
And Cosmo’s licking my back.
I never in my life had goats before.
This is, like,
the first time I’ve ever had goats.
I don’t know what I’m doing.
I’m learning as I go. Hey,
can you stop eating my shirt?
So, um,
and the all of these goats got pregnant because,
um, I didn’t move their babies away from, like,
sibling mates soon enough,
which I know better now. So that was really my fault.
We weren’t trying to breed and have all these goats in that.
Right? Cosmo in that, right