Blue People, Potheads, and Queer Folk: The Changing Landscape of South Dakota

Not demure,
not very mindful. But that’s okay,
because just so everyone knows,
we do not claim her. The good citizens of South Dakota,
and by good citizens, I mean the blue people,
are actually out here trying to make a change.
We were blue once. We could do it again.
The GOP out here is fit to be tied.
They know that their time is coming to an end.
The ironic thing is,
as for as hard as conservatives have fought out here to get rid of us,
that blue change will probably come very quickly
in the form of potheads, native citizens,
and queer folk. And I love that for us.
But, you know,
you’d think that Christina know
would be a fan of being generous with the citizens of South Dakota,
considering her own people have been so generous with her.