The Reality of Diaper Prices: A Shocking Discovery

I don’t know why I thought diapers were $20 max.
$20 for like, you know,
the big babies. You know,
big babies, you know, micros.
I mean, preemie.
I was thinking like, fifteen,
$40. $40 for a napkin that my child is gonna on.
Oh my gosh, mommies,
I’m sorry, I’m sorry.
No wonder you’re angry. And then I saw the wipes.
My baby’s gonna use tissue.
Probably some Angel Soft. You know,
something soft and supple.
You know, some tissues and water. But wipes are $35.
Wait, I wonder what the formula is.
I don’t even wanna look. Actually, I’m.
I’m actually not gonna look.
I’m gonna. I’m gonna save myself that. But formula.
Guys, if you didn’t know,
cause I was naive, this girl on TikTok,
this girl just posted, talk about some.
She paid $45 for some diapers.
I was like, okay,
he must be in like, Alaska,
you know, where you don’t get stuff shipped often.
I go on Google. $40