The Four Essential Elements to Holistic Health: Sunlight, Hydration, Air, and Earth

So it’s four levels to Hillin. The first thing is sunlight. You have to get sunlight. Sunlight is very, very essential, is essential for vitamin D. It’s essential for converting your cholesterol over into vitamin D. It’s essential for melanin or transmitters. The sun rays got something called chlorophyll in it that actually help fold your proteins, or what do we call amino acid structures. There’s not one biological function in your body that does not require sunlight. Every functionality of your cells requires sunlight. So you always have to do the sun, getting the sun for so called black people at least two hours a day if you can.

The next one is hydration. Make sure that you’re drinking at least fit the ounces of. Do you drink the water or you eat the water? I love this. I love it. So it’s two ways you can do it. Because naturally us as a people supposed to eat our water. And you eat your water by eating your fruits. Most of the fruits that we were made and selected to eat have over 85% water in it. This water is different because this hexogenal water and this hexogenal water is very structured water. And this is what you call H3O2. But the reason why is because how the sun rays it and beats on the actual fruit when it goes through photosynthesis before you take it off the tree and eat it. So if you wanna do the HRL2, that’s what I recommend. A lot of people don’t like that or say they can’t afford it. So I don’t talk about it too much that no more, because it’s all about the needs of the people. If people can’t afford to do it, then I’m gonna give you the next best selection will be spring water, not alkaline water. Alkaline water is mineral enhanced water that’s not real. Alkaline water is spring water. And you can look at the bottle, the one we’ve been drinking a lot is pond up in a mountain spring in a green one them good ones we tested shows we ain’t found too many of them. I mean, it’s, the environment is polluted. You don’t run across balloons. We grow a whole form with all organic thing. If I test one of my apples that is Kim trails, they fly over there every day. I can’t, you can’t miss the pollutants. So the only thing you can do is detoxify and keep your mind right. You see that? So the next one was hydration. At least 50 ounces of hydration a day. Now if you don’t want to do that, make sure that you at least getting in 45 ounces of juice a day. So get you a juicer. Juice. And when I say juice, your fruits. So we got the sun, we got the water.

Next is the air. You have to breathe correctly. 98% of the so called black community do not know how to breathe. A lot of us are mouth breavers. Mouth breathing messes up your bone structures. Mouth breathing bring in bacteria inside your mouth that you don’t need. Back to back mouth breed and actually bring up the nitrates in your bloodstream.

Bacteria. When you look at the bacteria that’s inside the body from mouth breathing, the bacteria is associated, which are decomposing bacteria. These are bacteria, they like to decompose and break down yourselves. So technically, being a mouth breather and not breathing properly or getting an adequate amount of oxygen in the blustering to exchange, you know, oxygen for carbon dioxide by way of hemoglobin and what your car iron phosphate, this actually shorten your lifespan. So not knowing how to properly brute breathe take 10 years from your life. Can you demonstrate how to properly breathe? So you breathe in for your nasal passage, you breathe out your mouth. So a correct breath. And it’s supposed to be a timely breath, so a real breath, supposed to be down to 70, your heart supposed to literally get to 70 to 80 beat. It’s per minute. That’s a true breath. So you breathe in. When you breathe in, your stomach comes out. So when you breathe, your gut comes out. A lot of people do reverse breathing where they breathe in and they stomach go in. That’s a incorrect breath. So when you breathe, your stomach go out, hold it. One, two, three, then you exhale through the actual mouth. This is called diaphmatic breathing, cuz it’s a diaphragtic muscle that actually elongates the lungs and bring it back in. So then you breathe out. So you breathe anthroyo nasal passage, breathe out your mouth. That’s a correct breath contents.

Breathing is the reason why a lot of us are not living alone because we don’t know how to consciously breathe. When you’re breathing and you’re moving that diaphragmatic muscle, you have one of the biggest lymph nodes in your body called the sustainable Khalil, and the cistern of Khalil, the Kali. They call it many different names. This is the biggest lymph node on your body, and it meets in the middle of your trunk. All of the weights that come through your body go through this lymph node, and it’s supposed to get broken down, disintegrated, discarded to the actual lymphatic system and you posted urinate it out. So just by not breathing properly, you can’t even detoxify. So we got the sun, which is light, right? We talked about water, which is hydration. Then we just talked about the air. Last but not least is what earth. We need to eat from earth. Eat more green things, eat more colorful things, organically grown from other nature. And we need to ground out your shoes and your clothes are killing you. Half the stuff we weren’t got polyester in it, which is gonna mess up your electrical magnetic frequency and bring down your hurts. The more your hurts go down, the more you’re prone to so called diseases. So make sure that you wear as much cotton as possible, especially when you come up towards your heart. Another thing is your shoes. You supposed to have your shoes on only when you walking on concrete. Other than that, keep your shoes off as much as possible because that’s the way we ground out and get a lot of the protons inside of our body, to get rid of a lot of the protons and bring in more electrons is the feminine side of nature. That’s the nature side of chemistry. It’s a negative charge, but it has a way of taking these things from a catabolic state to anabolic state and from a cataion to the alliion just means from acidic to alkaline. And you get that Jess by taking your shoes off. Go hug a tree is something called nature deficiency order. Where you stay away from nature too long and you will get press and you actually get sick.

And they took some orphans that was going through these psychological depression changes. They took them to nature for two weeks and they didn’t have the suicidal thoughts no more. They regained a consciousness. They had purpose. They, their imagination came back. They was loving on each other again. So, and then, so that’s one. So we talk about the sun. Yep. Talking about water, talking about air, talking about earth. Alright, we gotta talk about this last element that nobody ever talk about, which is love is the most nutritional ingredients on earth, love. And there’s a lot of different scholarly articles talking about these things, where they went to an orphanage and they took two orphanage and put them together, one orphanage. They gave them good food, they gave them good nutrition, they gave them good water. They gave them TVs. They gave them everything. But they did not give them any type of physical affection. They didn’t spend no time with them. But they gave them the best environment to actually thrive in. And then they took another one that didn’t have none of these nutritional things, but they spent time with them. They rocked them to bed, they read them bedtime stories, and they made sure they hug them for at least five minutes a day. Guess who came out? More nutrition? Not the ones who ate the good food or drink the good water. It was the ones that was living poor. But had they mothers and fathers by they side. They built more amino acid structures and they had more cellular integrity than the ones that had the good food. So the last ingredients is always love that show. No. 1, nutrition. Round of applause. Wrap.