Creating Opportunities: A Vision for Personal Growth and Success

August 25th. And today’s daily inspiration says,
don’t wait for the right opportunity.
Create it.
Sounds good.
Don’t wait for the. The perfect moment.
Create it. But what are you gonna create?
I don’t know exactly.
It’s hard to. Don’t wait for the right opportunity.
Create it. When you don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish
with. I will rise,
and you will too. I would say that
the number one important thing.
I think it’s so. I think it’s so important.
Well, to be encompassed in gratitude is really important.
But like going on a journey of self discovery,
of evolving, it’s going to take understanding yourself.
It’s important to understand yourself,
but right up under that,
right up under understanding yourself,
it’s gonna be creating a vision.
And see, let’s go back to the daily inspiration.
Don’t wait for the right opportunity.
Create it. See,
if you don’t have a vision,
if you don’t know what you’re trying to do,
you don’t know what opportunities to create,
to take advantage of,
to capitalize on.
Um, but if you have a vision,
now you know what opportunities you’re trying to create,
because the vision lets you know what your next steps are.
But if you don’t have a vision,
you don’t know what opportunities to create.
Don’t wait for the right one.
Oh, I.
The right one might be right in front of your face,
but unless you have a vision,
you don’t even know what opportunity you’re looking for.
You don’t need to create nothing.
It could literally be handed to you on a platter,
but you don’t know what you’re trying to do in life,
so you’re. You. The.
That platter is pointless to you.
You’re trying to get on a roof.
Somebody has a. You don’t know.
You’re trying to get on a roof,
but all your answers are on the roof,
but you haven’t done a vision.
So there’s a ladder sitting right there,
and you’re like, man,
what do I do next? What do I do next?
But if you were like, man,
I needed to see what was beyond that building,
so I needed to get on the roof,
then you would have looked for a ladder,
then you would have seen that ladder,
and you would have said, oh,
this is the opportunity that I needed.
Let me put it right there.
Climb up on the roof so I can see and. And. And what’s going on.
So I. You think that there’s a huge difference in waking up every day
and going through the day
and waking up every day looking to create a better life for yourself?
Huge difference.
If you don’t know that, listen,
don’t ever say nobody told you.
There is a huge difference in waking up,
going through the motions and waking up and deliberately saying,
how can I make my life better?
Not just sustained to the life.
So. So one thing about it,
when I Met her.
She came from a. A struggling past.
And I remember she said,
my goal was to create a better life for herself. Right?
That’s what she said. And she.
She did it. She wasn’t able to.
She was barely surviving. And she was like,
you know what? I wanna get to a place where I can survive.
And she got there,
but she never got past that.
She never got to the next level where she was comfortable.
She. She.
Because she. She.
She just woke. She got to where she wanted to say.
She told herself, I’m gonna be independent,
I’m gonna make it. I’m gonna take care of my kids.
And then once she got there,
she never readjusted her plan.
She never said, I’m gonna go to the next level.
She works harder than anybody I know.
Easily could have got to the next,
to the next. Could have just done all that,
but she. She never reevaluated it.
And I want to tell you this.
There is a huge difference in waking up and going through the motions.
A lot of times, we will get to a certain place,
and we’ll be like, okay,
well, we made it here,
and we just stop thinking about elevating.
And it’s different from saying,
I’m happy where I’m at, I don’t care to go anymore.
That is that I’m content, I’m grateful,
and that’s fine. But that isn’t what the case is with most people.
Most people Want more. But once they got to that level of,
they’re like, okay,
I’m not drowning. They just. They. They.
They don’t think about, how can I continue to get to a better place?
And that could be because the family around them
never got to a better place.
They haven’t seen it, they haven’t been exposed to it.
They didn’t know that there was so much more.
So, you know,
people only do what they know until they learn something new.
That’s why one of the most important things that I want to do
and that I do. And when I go speak to these kids,
I tell them, every one of your dreams is possible.
You know,
nobody in my family. I’ve never even seen a house this big growing up,
ever. Nobody even told me this was possible.
My parents didn’t tell me this was possible.
They didn’t tell me that I could live like this.
None of my friends had this.
We were in trailers. Today I was telling Tammy about
my mom bought a gutted out trailer.
We had a wood stove on block with a hole cut in my wall
that would push the fan. We couldn’t even go.
It would push the heat.
We couldn’t even go in the living room in the winter
cause the wood stove is just too hot.
You’re like, uh,
you hear me?
We would have. We would have the.
The fan in my wall, push it through,
My room. And my mom took the door off of my door
so that I could go into her room
and her door was off. And that’s how we push heat around the house.
The trailer.
I didn’t know there was better.
I didn’t know there was more to life.
again, I know 99% of the people aren’t gonna be here,
but if you’re here, there’s a huge difference
between waking up and going through the motions
and waking up and deliberately making your life better.
And if you wanna make your life better,
you have to deliberately wake up and say,
how can I make my life better?
I love y’all. I will rise,
and you will, too.
And I believe that i’mma see y’all at the top.