Embracing Individuality: Breaking Free from Running Rules and Societal Pressures

yesterday I posted a video about um
the Strava a lapse police
that was like
a joke ah ha
because sometimes on my long runs
like I stop
I go to the toilet I go to Tesco
I sit down and have my gel
and I pause my Strava when I’m doing that right
because like
why does it matter if it’s a training run
it really doesn’t matter oh
my God it’s actually crazy how many people have all these like
rules and laws and act like you’re the worst person in the world when you
ah ha
when you do something like that
like training runs are there
your training run is your training run
like you can do whatever you want on that run
and one of the things that really
really helps me in like
my last training block was like
splitting up my run so my longest training run
I have 30 four k
and I split that up with three run clubs
so I ran to a run club I ran with them
I then ran to another run club
ran with them and then ran off with my friend
and like
a lot of the timing that is paused
but like
it just helped me get in the distance
and it just doesn’t actually matter
and one thing that’s always so funny to me is
people act like your lapse time in a training run is like
you’re keeping it such a secret
it’s such a secret and people are crazy
it’s it’s public information
like anyone can see it
anyone can see it
I personally find it weird that people go and check what people’s laps time is
I think people do that for their own like
validation and like insecurities of someone’s paws that makes them feel better
and I honestly just find it so weird that there’s all these like
rules and laws and
people are like how fucking dare you
when it comes to running like
it’s one foot in front of the other
if you wanna pause and sit on a bench
like it doesn’t matter
you know obviously when it comes to a race
you’re not gonna be able to do that
but the training runs not every training run has to be like super intense
go go go
you’re at your Marathon pace
like it’s only really necessary for a few
in my in my opinion
and cause yesterday this honestly
someone left I would honestly say about 60+ comments on my TikTok
and they were going all day
all day they didn’t stop
and anyway you just have to feel sorry for
for those people that No. 1
they have no life and that they’re comments on a random girl’s TikTok all day
with information that people can’t see on Strava
you know just think
I don’t think people are really weird