Parenting Chronicles: Setting Boundaries and Encouraging Responsibility

Hey, hey, hey!
You get off that phone! Little girl.
Little body.
Give me. Give me your phone.
Give it to me. Watch where you’re going.
Give me. Come on,
let’s go.
Come on. Go have fun.
Stop it. Here,
put it away. We gotta put.
Okay, listen.
You’re not gonna get a phone in the morning if you act like this.
You’re not 10, you’re four.
I don’t care. Here, go put it in the cubby.
Put in your book bag.
Today’s Monday. You’re going to school today.
You’re gonna be a big girl.
You can go to big girl school.
You get on the bus especially.
You’re gonna get on the bus today.
You’re gonna get on the bus today.
Come on, get your stuff. Here,
put your book bag away. Here.
Go put your book bag away,
girl. With this attitude,
I’m gonna have Laura come and get you.
Laura? Look at special
Laura. Specials. Being a brat
girl. Come on. Here.
Go put your book bag away.
I don’t work for you. Go put it away. Hurry up.
Let me see these skinny jeans.
Let me see your pants. Oh!