My Glamorous Life: A Week of Fashion, Beauty, and Luxury Adventures

Let’s go for 1 small vlog or 1 dump,
I don’t know what you can call it,
but I just wanted to show you
what actually happened in my life recently.
So here we go!
So first of all
I went to Véro to make 1 small blond,
I think the good one looks great on me.
It is important to know that Véro
it is the best of the best of the best.
This coloring,
it was made by Amandine.
Check out my wedding outfit!
because in fact I did my hair for a wedding,
it is necessary to know that it is 1 Nigerian marriage.
The outfit is also totally Nigerian,
it was made in Nigeria.
Frankly I was so cute!
I also went to Lille with my boyfriend.
to do some shopping staff,
I found 2 Bri d’abrac,
frankly they are too much too beautiful!
In fact it is the hot items of this summer,
it’s either you get it or you don’t.
The next day,
I went to do my Korean skin care.
How to tell you,
my skin right now is actually slay.
Frankly if you don’t follow me on Snap
because it’s true that I’m much more
active on Snap,
you missed everything.
But I will explain
more precisely in 1 other TikTok
currently my Korean skin care.
So it’s at the La Boissière pharmacy.
uh how it was the end of daycare,
I went to buy some gifts
for Uh,
all the girls who took care of my son,
always in personal mode,
instant chopper,
I went to get some orders and cetera.
That’s it.
Then I went to Zara home.
because I’ve actually moved before,
I will explain.
I bought these scents at Zara home,
they are just amazing.
In the evening,
I went to do content creation,
To have Paris
with all the articles of my clients.
I love my work so much,
but it’s really
so tiring.
You have to know that there,
there, you say,
I didn’t have a vacation,
so worked.
You have to know that the next day,
I went to Mercedes
make 1 technical inspection,
the whole range
Mercedes is so expensive.
I was looking,
well you see,
now I’m complaining,
I say, it’s so expensive,
but I was already looking at the other cars,
like I want to change my car lol.
I find that it is cars that are so
comfortable, hard.
I have nothing to say.
still in Personal shopper mode,
I went to buy
1 Chanel bag for 1 customer,
so the maxi Jumbo,
it is really incredible.
The next day,
after the church,
I went with my son and his grandmother,
we went to buy 1 fan.
You see,
my son,
he has grown up badly,
beautiful, beautiful beautiful.
The reference.
in the evening,
I went to Véro to do my hair again,
she gave me a bun.
Tell yourself that this is a lace,
this is not my real hair!
With my boyfriend,
then we left,
uh. At Bottega.
I wenting for.
My clients.
But uh.
I fell for that cover.
But for me.
In this case,
it was for me.
It’s really too beautiful,
so I took it.
right now they are really
in 1 good little trend that I really like.
I was so happy because it was perfect for tonight,
for my little outfit.
directly after,
I went to get ready,
I went to join the girls.
We went to the restaurant.
So there is Véro,
she is with me,
we make the beautiful.
You know too much that Véro is too much in fact,
it is 1 indescribable friendship.
We went to the restaurant suite.
I like the service too much,
I really enjoyed it.
Look at my skin,
no, please look,
look at this,
I was wearing makeup.
I have to explain
when you do 1 skin care and put on makeup
after your skin,
it’s 1 dinguerie!
Only compliments on me now.
No, it was too much.
Look at the view of the Eiffel Tower and everything and everything,
it was super well placed
I was with my girlfriends,
do you already know them?
there is a friend in the middle.
Because of course,
you haven’t seen it too much in my TikTok.
little moment of excitement
in the car now,
from my first grade what Look,
look at me,
it is necessary to know that every time we leave the party,
I’m always the one driving,
they don’t want to drive tomorrow.
in real life,
we don’t waste time.
Spotting for one of my clients
who ordered me 1 dimotif at van Kliff.
Then yes,
with my boyfriend at the agent provocateur.
How to tell you,
I cracked on this set itself,
it cracked
in fact, it was too beautiful,
so we took.
Only it was beautiful,
I really enjoyed it,
no, it was too beautiful.
The next day,
we returned to London.
Look at my new interior.
In fact,
this is the entrance,
this is my new entrance.
I will give you 1,
1 room tour when really everything,
everything will be over.
Because now it’s not over yet,
but it’s really too beautiful already.
And you have to know that surgery,
despite the fact that I live with him,
I’m the one doing everything because no no no,
then you have to know that I went for a walk
in the neighborhood with my grandson.
There we went to the church,
I was in clean girl mode and everything.
that’s it.
Then I left the next day for Hermes.
so it’s the Hermes of London.
Frankly it is really too good the reception,
I have nothing to say,
nothing to do with Paris,
I swear, frankly
I love this Hermes guy so much,
I was able to get 1 pair of numbers for my client
He had ordered them from me.
Then I went to self-chef.
I went to look at the news a little bit,
Lady Dior’s,
As usual,
when you are staff,
it is absolutely necessary to do all the timeing.
Then we went to the restaurant,
in 1 small restaurant that
Prince Dad decided to take us.
Then we went home.
We were really tired
because I swear to you,
do 1 day because.
you should know that in my shopping staff day,
I was with my son.
It’s very difficult because he hates stores,
for sure,
it will not be personal shopper.
Ah so there,
we went quietly home.
you should know that days with 1 child,
it’s so tiring.
As I moved,
I am in the process of redoing the whole surgery a little bit,
so there in this case,
it was in the kitchen.
I didn’t even tell you.
I also bought cups at Hermes
because I want to make 1 small coffee corner.
I need two more to make it look really good,
they are too beautiful.
The next day,
we went to arod.
How to tell you.
I really like this neighborhood.
I went to audemar
because I wanted a little more information,
To get the watches and everything.
don’t worry,
there in the rat Paris,
we are really very concentrated then Uh.
In the evening,
we went to buy 1 pizza
because we were really too hungry.
The next day,
we returned to Paris,
because soon it’s bobo’s birthday.
In fact, not even there,
there, it was his birthday,
there, at midnight,
that day. Uh.
So now we were in the boat.
Because you have to know that when you come back to Paris,
uh. Come on,
you can go home very well with your car.
And actually, uh.
Your car, her,
she is on the boat.
There you go.
And then, uh.
You’ve got a three hour drive,
uh. By car, uh.
To reach Paris.
And I came home.
Look at the nugget I unboxed for my.
For my client rather.
Who ordered this little bag.
I give kisses.