Entrepreneurial Adventures: From Long Drives to Building a Business

Who decided it would be a good idea to drive 10 hours straight?
I literally woke up before the sun.
As soon as we got to Brisbane,
we had to stock our shop with half a ton of sugar at this point.
Thank god my phone has the shopping list
because junior had already lost the plot.
I’m probably the worst person you can have on a group assignment.
What have you done? I held the trolley.
Be an entrepreneur, they said.
Build your own business, they said.
So we went on to build our business.
While the boys were building,
I sat down and used my Samsung Galaxy Fold 6 to design the shop.
Using the sketch to image feature,
I was able to design exactly how I wanted the decorations.
Honestly, not bad.
The shop looks pretty good.
They say the key to productivity is multitasking.
I’m able to watch my K drama,
eat hot pot and ignore my friends at the same time.