Warriors Fanatics: Passion, Tribute, and Celebration!

I sure do. We’re at
here at the one New Zealand home base
celebrating all the one big fans.
I’ve got Wayne and Carter.
Now, Wayne,
I’d have to say you are one of the warriors biggest fans.
You were here for their first game against the Broncos.
What do you love about this team?
Uh, I just love their passion
and I just love the way they love all the fans
and love all the people and, um,
put it on the field every game.
And, um, yeah,
that’s what I love about them.
And Carter, who’s your favourite Warriors player?
Dylan Watene Zelezniak.
But you also wrote Sean Johnson a thank you card this week,
didn’t you? Yes,
I did. Now,
we just saw the tribute to Shawn Johnson,
but I wanna know about at your house,
you actually don’t have any wedding photos
because you’ve got all your signed warriors jerseys on the walls.
Um, yeah,
that is true. Um,
I don’t have any wedding photos on my walls in my house.
I’ve got a, a few warriors jerseys all on the wall.
I might have a, a little photo on my side table.
Yep. And finally,
how great has tonight been
the celebrate operation at Sean Johnson Stadium?
No, it’s been pretty awesome.
I mean, we’re in front now at half time
and we’re gonna smash it in the second half for sure.
Well, thank you so much.
Remember to vote for one New Zealand’s one big fan. Uh,
the winners from September 2nd
and they will be heading to a big game in Sydney
at the end of the season.
Thank you very much. Cool. That is a bright.