Conversations on Careers, Fashion, and Inner Happiness

Excuse me. I love your outfit.
What do you. I love your outfit.
Thank you. What do you do for a living?
I work for the government. Really?
So you’re. You’re big time.
I don’t know. What do you love about your job? Do you mind sharing?
I work in. For the government in Germany.
Oh, so you’re not from here?
Yeah. You’re back there?
Yeah, born and raised, yeah.
What made you. Do you mind sharing what made you pursue this career?
I don’t know. It’s too complicated.
All good. Have a good.
Excuse me. I love your outfit.
What do you do for a living?
Oh my god. Haha.
What’s. What’s up?
No, this is a bad one.
No, this is a great one.
You have an amazing outfit.
You have a great smile and you have amazing eyes.
Thank you. What do you do for a living?
Uh, I work in human resources.
Okay. Yeah.
What do you love about your job?
Uh, that it’s working with people.
People first. People focus.
Okay, got you.
What made you pursue this career?
I love people. Love psychology.
But I wanted to work in business. Psychology?
Yeah. Really?
Yeah. Okay.
And how about this?
If you have one piece of advice to give to the world,
what would it be? Um.
People are good. Believe in the good in people
and be nice. Do the right thing.
Got you. And one more.
What makes you happy? Uh,
New York City. That’s a good one. Sounds good.