Three Foolproof Tips to Secure a Spot on Any Basketball Team This Year

Three easy tips to make any basketball team you try out for this year.
Step one is the easy one be 6 foot 6+.
Being 6 foot 6+ is easy way to make any team
because what coach wouldn’t take you?
Even if you’re a complete buns at basketball,
most coaches will probably take you just to stand there and be big
and get a rebound or something.
Step 2 another easy one make every single shot you take.
This was pretty self explanatory.
If you don’t miss a shot, what coach wouldn’t take you?
They need scores. That’s how you win the game, right?
And finally, step 3,
probably the most effective step.
Get a pair of victory insoles.
All you gotta do is slide these carbon fiber insoles into your shoes
and you already have the advantage against all your opponents.
These insoles are proven to make you run faster,
jump higher, as well as injury Protection.
Things like knee pain, shin splints,
and ankle rolls. When coach sees you pull on somebody’s head,
there’s no doubt you’re on the squad.
Try one of these tips, or maybe all three,
and let me know how it works for y’all.