Confessions of a Misunderstood Partier: My Side of the Totsionna Video Story

alright look where everybody’s hitting me up about this Totsionna video
and you know what can I just tell my side of the story?
can I tell my side of the story??
I was f***** up y’all
I was already f***** up okay
like when you get lit
you say crazy things too right
I was just playing you guys 😭
I was NOT gonna 🚗💨
I would have obviously got to the wheel
and been like 🫨
like come on
you guys I’m not a f***** idiot
damn you make it seem like
you guys make it seem like I’m an alcoholic
you know it’s kinda
kinda sh*** like
just cause I have four drinks in a small period of time
with somebody I just met
doesn’t mean I’m like a fucking alcoholic
it just means I’m on vacation okay relax