Title: Contemplating Creation: Insights from Genesis on the Origin of the Universe

Hey, good afternoon. Today I started reading the book of Genesis, started in chapter 1. And this is what I want to read to you. First one, in the beginning, God created the heavens and. The earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. Do you know that? Now science and even the non believers, the atheist who believe that there is no god, all agree that the universe has a beginning. Yes, because the universe is expanding outwards at a constant rate. So if you interpolate it backward, there will be a time where there was nothing. So today I suddenly have this revelation from just these two verses. In the beginning, God had to create that beginning. There’s no language to describe what that is. But before there was anything else, there was only God always existed. In John 1, it says, in the beginning was the word, and the word was with god and the word was God. So in the beginning, before the beginning, before there’s ever a definition of a beginning, there was God. The father got the son and got the Holy Spirit.

Train 1, do you know what I’m getting at? Before there was a beginning, god had to create the beginning. God had to create the context where he would create all things. Because before he created the at context, there was nothing for all things to come into being for the atheists who believed that it was caused by a Big Bang. They cannot explain how matter came to be and what was the force that initiated this beginning, this Big Bang, which they call, which brought the world into being, this random process. But there must still be something that spark that Big Bang. What is that something? That something must pre exist. The nothingness. Isn’t that amazing? That’s why in verse 2 it says the earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep, and the spirit of god was hovering over the face of the waters before all the got created. Actually, I don’t know how to put it into language, but he had to create a nothing so that he could put something on it. I don’t think, however, understand really what I’m talking about. But isn’t it logical before you have something, you need to have nothing because otherwise the something will have no context. I may be wrong. I’m just open to suggestions, but I’m just, but I believe that before there was a beginning, God was already there. It’s not that he began with the beginning. No, he created the context for the beginning and set forth the beginning so that he could start time and then create everything one day.

Notice the first thing that God called forth. Then God said, let there be light. And there was light. Where did that light come from? The light came from God himself, because God is light when he cough off the light, he’s imparting his nature into his creation. He say light b and light was. He came out from him the same way he created everything. He called it forth from his imagination and it came forth. First thing he greeted was actually light. He cough off the light.

The first verse, of course, is a universal verse saying that he created the heavens and the earth. Then verse 2 onwards, it described how he did it. Today, the universe is still expanding at the speed of light. That from that moment, God say like B, the universe has been expanding. That’s the power.

Recently, I saw a video that’s very amazing. He said when the, upon conception, when life is formed in the womb, there is a bright light. This is what is spoken of in John 1, right? The, this life, this light is the life of men. This light is spoken forth the mouth of God.

This night is life. This light is the spirit of God that searches the hearts of men. It’s amazing when you see God doing his creative work. When you believe that he is the one who created it, he gives meaning to everything. I don’t agree with the people who say that a design does not mean there’s a designer. A design must mean there was a designer. Otherwise, the design could not have come randomly. It just doesn’t make sense that all that we have came randomly. How could the earth be in the exact location that it is, the exact distance where it is from the sun, where there is no designer. Why is there such refinement? Why is gravity 9.81 and not 9.9 or 10, where just a little bit of this refinement is out and life cannot be the way it is.

So god in the beginning, god, once we see that, we begin to understand that we were created for a purpose. God created man to have communion with him, to have to rule over the earth with him, to co labor with him. He made all things for men. That’s amazing. He told men to be fruitful and multiplied and subdue the earth. He gave dominant over the. earth to men because we will create in his image to have to million over the creation to be as he is? so i leave this deep thought with you。 have a bless。