Title: A Call for Politicians to Listen: Improving the Lives of Young People Through Engagement and Accessibility

If there is one thing that politicians can do to make your life
as a young person better, what would it be?
Listen to me. Um,
I think if politicians stop focusing so much on censorship
and what can and cannot be said
and instead focused on, um,
actually listening to their constituents.
Reach out to us more, try to talk to us more.
No, don’t just use us when it’s convenient.
Make sure you’re consistent.
Like, you’re gonna need our votes eventually.
Really finding ways to make your agenda clear to others.
And easily accessible formats that are in different languages as well.
It’s gonna help people when they get to the polls from being like,
what the heck is this? I just have the Christmas tree in my ballot.
Eliminate college debt by.
That’s a one. Um,
make sure people who were born in this country have the first right,
you know, real.
That first hand of benefits.
Then give it to, um,
our newcomers. But we welcome every guest.
But, you know,
give it to the people who’s been here,
who been here, been homeless on the street.
I think a lot of times we see these politicians on federal stages,
but we never actually see them at local events.
I mean, they’re not the ones coming out to the Juneteenth Celebration
or to the arts festival or to the elementary Fall Fest.
If we saw these people actually engage in community spaces
and listen to the Voices of those around them.
I think it’d be a lot easier of a place as a young person,
and even as an American