Embracing a Colombian Accent: A Cuban Actor’s Journey

you’re Cuban but you have to get into a Colombian accent
how difficult was that to change and switch up the dialect
it wasn’t that hard to get from Cuban to Colombia because
you know we both have Caribbean
and so we we
we speak a little bit like
but as an actor you get really nervous
you know the same thing that is happening to me right now is speaking in English
it happened on the on the side
you know because you
you thinking a little bit
way too much about your pronunciation and stuff like that
but I was I was
I got a lot of help from Sofia 1st started and Christian Tappan
who’s another magnificent Colombian actor on the show
he helped me a lot and so we try to and
and Andy by the director is like
I need you to forget about all of that
and I need you to just perform and do your thing do what you live