Unapologetically Authentic: A Black Woman’s Success Story in Tech

You see how I don’t take any of my facial piercings out,
wear my big hoop earrings,
and ensure that my entire sleeve is showing for my interviews?
Very cutesy, very Shaquille,
very authentic, very demure.
You see how I talk, the tone of my voice,
how I don’t co switch at all,
because these companies don’t give what the fuck they get,
and they lucky to have me there regardless.
Very Shaquille, very authentic,
very demure.
You see how my authenticity as a black woman who works in tech
who’s made more than $150,000 a year
and some of the biggest tech organizations,
allows for other black women to understand
that they ain’t gotta do all that faking,
shucking, and driving bullshit?
Very authentic, very Shaquille,
very fucking demure. See,
I don’t tell my clients to do bullshit like lying on a resume,
pretending that they work somewhere and putting down a Google number,
pretending they went to a certain college when they did.
Taking the whole job description and putting it on a resume,
and then making it white and 1.5.
You see how I don’t do that?
Very shaquille, very authentic,
very classy, very demure.