Job Interview Chronicles: Navigating the Fast-Paced World of Office Drama

Hey, so could you do Wednesday at, like,
2 p m? Sure,
no problem. I have a Thursday at 1.
Oh, yeah.
Uh. Oh, wait.
Can you just wait until next month?
Um, no,
we need somebody to start next week.
Can you interview today? Um, hi.
Is. Is anybody here?
And then I graduated from the university of. Um.
Do you need a minute? What was that?
what were you saying? Yeah,
our last editor just could not keep up.
We are definitely looking for someone who can handle a fast
pace environment. You know,
we wear a lot of different hats here.
We’re kind of like a family.
We help each other out. Even if you’re technically an editor,
we need you to be ready to jump in wherever help is needed.
Remind me, what’s the start date for this position?
Well, we need you to start ASAP
because our old project manager got knocked up by our CFO.
I mean, it’s just a rumor,
but, like,
how’s Candace? Hey,
could you come in for another interview this Thursday?
That would be my seventh interview.
Yeah, it’s gonna be a group interview, too,
so block off about 4 5 hours.