Overcoming the Fear of Public Speaking: Unlocking Your Confidence on Stage

Public speaking is the number one fear for 75% of people.
I don’t know about you,
but I also used to have an incredible fear of public speaking
until I found out that public speaking is a lot like riding a bicycle
or driving a car. In fact,
it’s just a skill that you can learn through repetition.
So you know
when you first started driving and you don’t really know what to do,
but eventually, after you drive a lot,
you can pretty much get wherever you’re trying to go
without even thinking about it.
Confidence comes from I’m confident.
The same thing with public speaking.
Suddenly, before you get up to speak,
you’re not really that nervous.
You’re backstage, you’re about to get introduced,
you’re like, I know what I’m doing.
I’m just getting in the car to drive to my next location.
If I can help you crush your communication
so you can grow your business
and feel extremely competent and confident on stage,
go ahead and comment the word success or my team will shoot you.
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