Navigating the Complexity of Alcoholism and Observations of Behavior

Struggle between the immediate, um,
reaction of, oh,
I wonder how drunk he is, to going, like,
maybe this is just how he is,
you know? Like,
I don’t even know that he’s inebriated.
It’s like. And it’s a sure Assumption,
but then you’re like, no,
maybe he’s not. Maybe not.
Because years of.
Of abuse will cause the brain to be permanently damaged.
There’s holes in the brain.
It’s called alcohol disorder abuse.
Yeah, but also,
I’ve noted that his teeth look better than the average weirdos,
which is not a drunk thing.
Drunks don’t have nice teeth,
so. Correct.
I’m not at that age. Not at that age.
Yeah. No,
it’s quite a conundrum, but he’s kind of like that.
Kind of our hard yard himself.
He’s fish. Move up Detroit or somewhere up there in Muskegon. Detroit.
Well, we gonna do a bunch of funny stuff.
Muskegon before he lives together.
I mean, Healy,
we fought our lives together.
Yeah. Yeah.
I’ve gotten all prepared. I’ve got all day for this.
Whole day for this. So
you gonna make my friend hair?
His name is. His name is.
His name is tea time. Hold on.
You make my friend’s hair?
Name is tea time. I don’t know what the video is about. Even.
I don’t even know what this is about.
Does anybody speak drunk guy? No.