Embracing Rot: Finding Balance, Rejuvenation, and Kindness in a Busy World

What’s something I wouldn’t know about you?
I love to rot. And I.
As much as I love going out and meeting people
and getting energy with them,
I need my alone time.
So there’s nothing I love more than watching sidemen and Beta Squad
and YouTube TV that 14 year old white boys watch
because much you want a girl boss.
It’s important to girl rot.
I think it’s very hard to find a work life balance
when you define a lot of who you are
and your sense of self through work.
And I love my job and I wanna be good at my job.
But it’s, I think,
really important to think about
what are the ways in which you need to rest,
recharge and rejuvenate. And I think it’s different for everyone.
And the older I’ve gotten,
I’ve realised you can’t do everything alone.
And that’s been the one thing that I’ve certainly gotten to be very,
very grateful for is the community of people around me that let me rot,
let me rejuvenate and rest and recover with them.
And what’s your message to the world?
Try to do one small act of kindness in whatever way you can.
And if you mess up and slip up?
I heard Ed Sheeran say you can only have a bad day for 72 hours,
and I started counting the times that I felt like I slipped up
or I messed up
and it literally didn’t last more Than maybe 12 or 24 hours.
So I think there’s power in knowing that things are fleeting.
Make your time count,
and spread a little bit of good energy whenever you can.