Ed’s Old-School Charm: Hilarious Stories from the Gilmore Girls Set

Do you want to hear a funny thing
about Ed?
these new phones are amazing
that line right there is just
hysterical to me
because at the time
we were shooting Gilmore Girls
Ed did not own a cell phone
he was very old school
if you wanted to get a hold of him
you had to leave a
message for his wife
or for the front desk at the hotel
that he was staying
okay let’s talk about this scene
is it me or does this scene
not feel like our
normal Gilmore Girls
obviously we’re season 7
it just feels off to me
the witty banter is gone
and it been replaced by silence
I mean obviously there’s
some quick
fun glances at each other
and they’re building the relationship
of what could have been
had they been together
all this time
a brief bit of happiness before
well we all know it’s a
matter of time before this
relationship doesn’t work out
what do you feel?
do you think this would have been
something that Amy would have
put in the show?
I don’t. I don’t know.
it just feels off to me, by the way
this is the moment that everyone
wanted me to draw
what do you think?