Life’s Journey: From San Francisco to Silicon Valley, EMT Adventures, Design Career, and Finding Home in Vegas

Well, I was born in San Francisco, raised in what’s now known as Silicon Valley, more specifically Mountain View, Los Altos area. You know, I am so glad I had the opportunity to live there before tech moved in and changed the whole landscape of the Bay Area. It’s very unaffordable for the average person. It’s, yeah, it’s really very different. But growing up, going up to the city and, you know, just doing the kind of touristy stuff. Go to Chinatown. They have Chinese food. Just so much to do there. I love the diversity, the weather, the people. It was great. But it’s not the same anymore. But a lot of fun memories. And I especially enjoyed going up to the city during Fleet Week. I love the Blue Angels. Oh my God.

But moving on, my first, I would say, major job was an EMT and I really liked it. That’s my buddy partners also. I saved a few lives and I taught many over the course of about 25 years. I taught for the American Heart Association and Red Cross. And I really enjoy that. I, yeah, did it for like 20+ years.

Then I went back to school and study design, became a facility space planner for a corporation and designed all the franchise offices across the country, about 125. And I love doing that. It was so much fun, but it was a good stepping stone into having my own business. And I studied residential design and homestaging. Then I started my own business, yeah, in San Jose doing that. Then I’m at my late husband, we bought this house in 2002, loved it. I would still be there had things not changed. He was an amazing man, NASA aerospace engineer. And before that, he tried, you know, playing with different bands and ultimately played for war for a little bit. So he went back to school also and went into engineering. And I also have a daughter, Krista, and another one, Alicia. Krista is living in San Jose with her husband and Alicia is soon to get married here in Las Vegas. I am so happy and proud of them. They’ve turned out so well and they’re with great guys. Just really proud.

So back in San Jose, when we were living there up until 2,012, it was really nice because we were close to my daughters and just a lot of family and friends. I love living there. My life, I thought was as about as perfect as it could be. But life throw shake curves.

Anyway, my husband and I decided to move up to the East Bay, you know, eventually retire the property taxes in San Jose were getting crazy. And so we bought this. It was so affordable, so cheap back then. And two months after living there, he passed away unexpectedly in our bedroom. So I’m in a new town with a 10 year old son in a new house who bad boxes are still unpacked. So I had to leave that house. I moved down the street. I wanted to keep my son in school. He was, he and I were both grieving a lot. It was really tough. So we stayed in this house until he graduated high school. And I said, okay, I’m out of here. I’m going to Vegas. I want a different life. It was not going to be as I expected. So he jumped in the car and I hopped on the plane. Hates to fly. Bought this house in Henderson. I had always wanted a pool growing up. You know, I was a good swimmer. I became a synchronized swimmer. And I never understood why they would not give me a pool. But anyway, this is the kind of water dancing I did. And it was so much fun in Mountain View. So this is the reason why when I came to Vegas, I wanted to have a pool. And I don’t know, I don’t feel that way anymore. I think I got it out of my system. So moving on. I sold my house in Henderson. We got home sick, went back to California. We should have stayed. We should have tried to make it work. But no, I was impulsive. I went back to California, big mistake. Turned around six months later and came back and bought this. I thought I still wanted the house with the pool. And initially I did. But then after time I thought, you know, long term, I can’t see myself living here. We really didn’t use the pool as much as I thought we would. Eh? A lot of upkeep. Anyway, that’s done. I wanted us one level house for long term, you know, future. I was done moving. I am freaking done moving. And you know, we change, you know, we, we’re on, we’re constantly changing. Oh, about where we’re, what we want in life. And this is what I want to be able to have a low maintenance house so I can get out and travel. That’s what I wanna do. And this is the last time I’m moving unless someone sweeps me off my feet. But moving on, I’m going to be assuring my design of my house, my new house, and also candle making, soap making, a lot of other things once they move, hopefully Monday or Tuesday. So stay tuned.