The Misunderstood Leader: Embracing Misinterpretation and Moving Forward

I will be misunderstood, and so will every leader.
If you’re leading people and you’re out of the pile,
everything you do and everything you say is exaggerated
in positive ways and in negative ways.
So you’ll be totally misunderstood.
In fact, I quit trying to explain myself.
Not because I lack an explanation,
but because I found a long time ago,
if people don’t like what I do or what I say or who I am,
they’re going to put it in their perspective anyway,
and I’m never going to change their mind.
So why would I waste that negative energy
to pull somebody up that doesn’t even want to be pulled?
So I’ve just Learned to walk away,
you know? You know,
what did Jesus say? Turn the other cheek.
Walk a second mile. You know,
love your enemies. He.
He knew that that was not easy nor natural. But that’s