Political Drama: The Race for Treasurer and Endorsement Controversy

Hey, hey,
Oh, Max,
good news. You are neck and neck with Malaba in the polls.
But more importantly,
the elbows are talking about making me their treasure.
I don’t give a frog’s fat ass.
All right, listen,
Khadijah, when does your endorsement come out?
I gotta pull some quotes from it.
I just rented a billboard on wheels.
Oh yeah, yes,
that’s what I’m talking. Max,
you better get your money back.
What you talking about? I endorsed another candidate.
You just couldn’t stand to see me become treasurer of the elbows,
now, could you?
Alright, this is a joke, right?
I mean, you just.
You didn’t really endorse Palmolive over me. Of course not.
I do is William Perez.
What? The high school teacher?
He’s last in the polls.
He’s even behind the candidate who died last week.
Now, Khadija,
you obviously have not taken a good look at Perez.
He has bad hair, wears way too much corduroy,
and let me just say, somebody needs a nose. Tweezers.
Max, you don’t know how hard this was for me.
But I have a responsibility to my readers
to endorse the best candidate.
Now all you keep doing is spouting these tired cliches.
Hey, the proof is in the pudding.
Now look,
hold up here. Let’s.
Let’s just deal with the real.
This is about you and me and a little thing called jealousy.
What the devil are you talking about?
We’ll see. Up until now,
You’ve been the self appointed leader of our little foursome.
The great provider.
Claire needs a job. Work for Khadijah.
Regina needs a place to live.
Live with Khadijah. Suddenly,
I’m on the verge of winning a selection
without any help from you and mother.
Can I stand to share the spotlight, king?
You know, Max,
I stand corrected.
Here I was thinking you weren’t ready for public office,
but you are shady. Oh,
trifling, huh?
And you spit more garbage than any politician I ever heard.
Why? Why,
thank you, Khadijah,
but you know it’s too late to endorse me now.