Simplify Your Social Circle: Quality Over Quantity

Whoever said the more the merrier clearly did not have a lot of friends, and I mean real friends. I used to think having a vibrant social life meant having a lot of friends and being invited to a lot of parties. And sure, that was fun. But I quickly burnt out from that lifestyle. The truth is, I couldn’t keep up with all of those surface level relationships that demanded so much of my time and energy. So as I got older, I realized the key, key to having a fulfilling social life is to simplify, find that handful of people that make your soul happy and nurture those friendships. It might feel like you’re losing friends and missing out at first, but I promise the more mindful you are about who you spend your time with, the more you get out of life. Just like Simply Lemonade made with simple ingredients, using only what’s real and essential. And as a result, it’s always delicious. Who knew we could learn something so important from juice?