Fun and Healthy Mealtime Adventures with Hefty Zoo Pals: A Mom’s Guide to Making Mealtime Exciting for Kids

I know, just like the rest of us moms, that I am quite literally always looking for new ways to make mealtime fun for Luca. Whenever he first started solids, which feels like forever ago, I was so hopeful that he would be an amazing eater. Well, motherhood and toddlerhood humbled me because his eating habits change weekly, so I have to make it fun wherever I can. And I know all of us moms are going to be so excited about these. These are hefty Zoo Pals meal kits! Hefty Zoo Pals plates have dipping wells for sauces or for keeping snacks separate like we did today. The kits also come with these super cute sandwich cutters, cups and coasters. Luca loved this cup and having a big boy water. This is the best combination of imaginative, fun, and healthy meals and my favorite no dishes! And this is just in time for back to school! Also, you can click the link in my bio to enter for a chance to get the limited edition hefty Zoo Pals meal kit delivered to your door! It’s the best surprise for your kiddos to make meal time fun and exciting. And we are loving having these Zoo Pals meal kits on hand.