Recognizing and Addressing the Red Flags of Domestic Abuse: A Survivor’s Perspective

always the answer to leave the marriage I think it depends on the type of abuse hi Emma I’m Kait I along with my mother and sister are survivors of domestic violence at the hands of a very good Christian man but my question to you is my question to you is where’s the line at what point does the abuse become valid to you I am so grateful that my mom had the courage to leave when she did that she chose us but still to this day over 20 years later she still believes that one day she is going to have to stand before god and answer for that do you know how insane that is that is abuse so when should she have left was it before she had kids and he was being incredibly unkind and would call her names because that’s just verbal abuse does that count or how about when he would scream at her in front of my sister and I and tell me that she’s being bad should it have been after the multiple Duis and driving drunk with his children in the car cause I mean no one died right or how about the time he held me over the railing on the second floor of the mall to intentionally terrorize my mom and then gaslight her into thinking that it was just a joke that’s just crazy how about when he started punching holes in the wall next to her head or how about when he ripped up the countertop and broke the door off of its hinges in front of her very young children I cannot imagine what my life would be like if I had grown up watching my mom allow someone to treat her that way she had a therapist look her in her eyes and ask her do you want your girls to grow up and marry men like him how dare you use religion to shame people from leaving abusive marriages I sincerely hope you recognise how reckless of a take this is