Lessons Learned: The Consequences of Getting Names Tattooed on Your Body

Girl, if you don’t just go out there and get that man’s name tattooed on you. I’m sorry, but I’m a girl. I don’t care what nobody says. I don’t care. Yes, I’ve had five names on me. Five names on me. One is on my face. One is on my face. Just go get the tattoo. Just make sure you don’t get red like me. I found out that red is gonna be hard to get removed. But go get that fucking man’s tat that that fucking man’s name tatted. Who gives a fuck? Who gives a fuck? Cause the perks that come after, they don’t know about. They don’t. And all 5 of them left. You know, misery loves company, right? And women that give out advice like this to other women. Just go ahead, get that man’s name tattooed on you. So what? I put one on my face and I do it again. They just want other women to be as stupid as they are. These type of women do not want women to do better like me. I’m the type of woman that can say, hey, I’ve made mistakes, I’ve done stupid things over relationships. I do not recommend that you do it. I want better for younger women. Do not do the miss learn from my mistakes. But women like her, it’s like, yeah, I made these mistakes. Go ahead, do it. Go, go, go. Cause they want someone else to be as dumb. As them. So that they can sit there and share in the fucking misery and the stupidness. Okay, because she says that it’s the perks that she got after she tatted five men. Five, five, five. Five different men’s names on her body. Like a porta potty. Who that rhyme? I should be a rapper. But anyway, after she tatted five different men’s names on her body, she said she got perks. What perks? From the looks of your page, you live in an apartment. And there’s nothing wrong with apartment living. I’m just saying, she said she got perks. So I’m just trying to figure out what were the perks of putting five men’s name on your body? It wasn’t property. Maybe she got a car. Maybe. Maybe, maybe. But it wasn’t property. What, you got some. Some jewelry? Maybe a Louis Vuitton purse? Maybe. What were the perks from getting five men’s names tattooed on your body? That are all now gone? Gone like the wild bullseye. Like, I just can’t. And it’s like, this is like the. The epitome of, like, just not learning your lessons. Just doing it and do, like. And as a man. As a man, like any man that sees that video that day, two after this, know that it’s just something that comes with it. Like, you know, like, future. Every time he deals with a girl, he buys her a really nice watch. It’s. It’s not special. There’s nothing special about It. You’re like a coloring book, you know, you just. Everybody gets a name tag. Like, who cares? Nobody. Which is why they all left. This is embarrassing.