Comparing Rare Beauty and Sunny Space Blushes: Swatches, Formulas, and Giveaway Details

Chance to win the Sunny Space Blush on PR kit. You guys can take this baby home as well as a bunch of other prizes. Keep watching till the end of the video to find out how entire collection comes in seven beautiful shades. And I’m gonna swatch them all on my arm and then I’m gonna compare them with the blush I used in my previous video as well as the one I used in Borin. I’m gonna compare it to the one I have here, which is the rare beauty in the shade. Hope we’re gonna compare the formula so that you guys can have a better understanding of the differences and if you could possibly save money on your next blush.

Here we go. We have Cherub Keen, BB, Super Pink, Papaya Lady and trance. Now let’s get the shade I have that I’ve been using and then let’s find the closest color to it so that we can see which one will match next to it. Just by swatching on my arm. You can see that trance is too dark and it’s way too mauve in a deeper, richer mob than hope in rare. So the closest color to it is cherub. So let’s put them side by side. So you can add, actually see closer side by side up top we have cherub and then we have rare beauties hope underneath. So just by comparison, you can see that rare beauties blush, the ho in the shade hope is actually a little bit lighter than cherub. And you can also compare that cherub has somewhat just a tiny, tinier bit of a warmer undertone, and hope has a cooler undertone. Swatch it on each cheek and see how they blend out.

Okay, to make it fair, we’re gonna do one dot each and then compare how. Okay, then go again, one dot here. Alright, and then let’s see how they blend out. So here on the right is hope by Rare Beauty. And then clean the brush. Okay, this is cherub by Sunny’s face. You can already tell the difference. On my left, cherub is way more pigmented. So you can see that in the formula, they both blend out beautifully. But in terms of getting more bang for your buck color payout wise, the Sunny’s face one is definitely way more pigmented and they both just, we just did one dot on both sides, even at out Mona, I’m gonna get from this because.

และผสมอญมะม่วง. อยู่ดีปันแต่งหุหุกากหอม. In terms of formula, they both blend beautifully. The colors are gorgeous. It really just depends on what look you guys are trying to go for. So this is more like Manika, I just went running. Like it’s just a natural flush, a natural blush. But if you want more Potokman, they have other shades as well.

This small one. And this is my palm for comparison. I think I got this for 1,050 pesos in Sephora. And then this one, I don’t know the price yet because I looked online, I looked on different websites and available next week available. So I don’t know the price. If you do a side by side, obviously the packaging of the Rare Beauty is smaller than the packaging of the Sunny Space. But then packaging is a whole different thing than how much product is actually inside. So when you flip the bottles over, you can see that for the rare beauty one, it’s e point 11 fluid ounces. And for Sunny’s face, it is point 14 fluid ounces. So when they release the prices and if this is cheaper than 1,000 pesos, then you guys would actually get more bang for your bucket financially with the sunny’s face, it would actually end up being cheaper.

Now here’s the best part at the start of the video, I said we are giving away an entire PR kit of the new Sunny Space blush on. And I would tell you guys how well, it’s super easy. Tomorrow, which is Friday, from 9 to eleven PM, we are doing a live with Sunny’s face on their account here on Tik Talk. We’re gonna do a TikTok Live and we’re giving away one of these PR kits to one of you lucky winners or viewers. So all you have to do is tune in tomorrow 9 to 11 p. M. TikTok live, obviously on here already. Set your alarm because also I haven’t gotten the script. I don’t know what’s happening tomorrow. I have no idea. But from what I’ve been told, we’re doing a lot of giveaways, huge discounts, and a bunch of really like cute knickknacks that you guys can win. So that isn’t enough incentive. I don’t know what is, but I’m really excited to make sure you guys don’t miss out. That’s tomorrow, Friday, 9 to eleven PM here on Tik. See you.